About Us

Agape Kidz is the children’s ministry of Agape House New Testament Church. We function under the leadership and vision of our Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Richard C. Whitcomb. You can find out more about Agape House New Testament Church at www.agapehouseghana.org.

The mission and vision of our children’s ministry is aligned with the mission and vision of our church. We seek to apply and realize that vision within the context of children and families.



Mission answers the question, “Why do we exist?” It is the focus of what we do.

Our mission is to partner with families in raising children who know Jesus Christ and make Him known.


Vision answers the question, “What do we want to become?” Vision expresses what we desire to accomplish.

Our vision is for each child to know Jesus Christ personally and intimately and, out of love for Him, to live a life of service, witness, and personal holiness that brings glory to God. We desire to see children walk in the fullness of the Kingdom of God, in power, authority and identity.




Agape Kidz believes that all effective ministry must be focused on Jesus Christ. Therefore, while we love children and recognize their great value and potential, our greatest goal in Children’s Ministry is to bring honor to the name of Jesus. We realize that if our focus slips from Christ and our motive slips from love, we have lost our effectiveness in ministry. With Christ as our Focus, Agape Kidz desires to see children equipped and empowered to be the Body of Christ. We believe that children are the church of TODAY, not tomorrow, and that they can be used by God, just as adults can. In leading children to know Jesus Christ and follow Him, we believe that our personal example is the most important tool we bring into the classroom each week. Therefore, we are committed to modeling a godly lifestyle at all times. Agape Kidz believes that our role as the church is to partner with parents to raise children that follow Jesus. We are committed to supporting parents as the spiritual leaders in their home.